Questions & Answers - Session 1 The Basics of Kindo Payables

Questions & Answers - Session 1 The Basics of Kindo Payables

Questions asked during the webinar: The Basics of Kindo Payables - Session 1

Q: Does a new item have to have a GL Code?

Yes, the GL code is a compulsory field when creating a payable item. Your General Ledger or finance codes are found in your accounting system. It will not be seen by caregivers but will appear in your reports. Where there is a GL code that has been used for more than one item, some of your reports will show the combined total for the items. In your Summary Report (Finance Report), which is one of the weekly reports sent through to you from our accounts team, each different ledger code will appear in a separate row.

Here is a support article with further details on Creating a Payable item

Q: How can I load credit balances. Eg, if Winz makes a payment to the school for a student’s payables

We will be covering loading credit balances in our next webinar, but if you would like to read ahead there are more details on Managing Credits on our support pages for the etap finance migration process.

We are affiliated with Work and Income. There are instructions on our customer support pages (for caregivers) on Work and Income payments to your mykindo account where they can manage these payments directly and access financial support for school items available on Kindo.

Q: It mentions that POS transactions do not collect questions, can you explain this a bit more please?

The POS (point of sale) page is used for receipting payments from a range of payment types (if your school still plans to accept these). For example, when a caregiver would like to pay via eftpos, cash, credit card or bank transfer.
If you have questions for your caregivers that you have added to the payable item on Kindo (e.g. permission, helpers), caregivers can answer these as they go through the checkout process using their myKindo account. However, if their payment is processed via the POS page, their responses will not be captured online.
One suggestion is to have the questions as a paper version that you can collect responses for. You can then add the responses to the Kindo generated reports (in Excel) so all of the information is in one place.

Q: Does the date you add an entry show anywhere?

On the Payable Status page, you can select the ‘Applied’ option from the Columns menu. This will show a column with the date you applied a payable to a student or group of students.
Hint - Once you have sent a payment request email, the date it was requested from families will show in the ‘Requested’ column.


Q: Do all invoices need to be set up on Kindo or are invoices still able to be issued in eTAP, which are uploaded automatically onto Kindo?

Once you have downloaded your outstanding balances from eTAP, we will load these into Kindo for you, and you will no longer use eTAP for payment / finance functions. All new payments / charges will be created on the Partner site from the Item Editor page in the 'Kindo Payables' category, and applied to students / groups of students on the Shop site, using the Payable Apply page. For more information please see our Knowledge Base article on the Basic Setup for Kindo Payables.

Q: Are you able to add permission forms to payables? Thanks 

You are able to create an online form or ask permission questions in a few ways with Payables.  
The first way is to use our Form Questions area for permission questions/statements. You can choose to make the question or statement compulsory, which means that users must respond to be able to add the item to their cart. Here is an article on how to Add Questions/Create a Form in Kindo Payables.  
If you are taking payments via POS as well as via Kindo, you will need to ensure you capture the responses to the form questions at point of payment (via a hard copy form at point of sale).  
Once you have received the responses, you can view these in various reports on the Order Status page. You can view all the responses in an Excel report, where you can then manually add in any responses received via hard copy and you will have all responses in one document. Here is an article on using the Order Status page to access these reports. 
The second way is if you have a permission form externally that you would like to link to the payable item. You can use the Description box where you can add links to other documents or websites. Here is an article on Adding a Description and How to Add Links 

Q: eTAP to Kindo Credit -

Our Y6 Camp has a fee early on, then we get funding and have to reduce the originally entered fee as eTap to Kindo didn’t recognise credits applied and only showed original $ - how will that work now? Also the students fundraise chocolate and get $24 per box reduction – again because eTap – Kindo credit didn’t recognise will that be fixed?

There are a few options here depending on your specific requirements. Using Kindo can help to streamline chocolate box fundraising, by reducing or even eliminating paper forms, cash handling, counting and trips to the bank. For some setup suggestions please refer to our article on Chocolate Box Fundraisers for Kindo Payables or contact our helpdesk team who can discuss and provide a tailored solution for your school.

Q: How do we find what parents are not registered for Kindo? 

The key thing to look for with Payables is any unlinked students. If students are not linked to a myKindo account, caregivers will not be able to see their outstanding payments for any payables that the school has applied. The SMS linked report will show you which students are not currently linked along with their caregiver information so that you can email families and encourage them to set up an account. This will be covered with Laura in session 2 but if you would like to read more about this please see our knowledge base article on unlinked students. 

Q: What is the email address for School Managed Accounts used for?

We require a generic email (e.g. or for all email notifications when a School Managed Account has been set up. All email notifications for a School Managed Account will be diverted to this school diversion email, but the payment transaction history will remain with the myKindo account. 

Any questions? Visit
Contact our Customer Support on 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636) 
Open 8am - 4pm weekdays.
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