Weekly reports for Kindo Payables

Weekly reports for Kindo Payables

Access:  Accounts Contact

Each supplier will have a nominated Accounts person who will receive the weekly reports.
This person would have been set-up when the Supplier account was first created.

If you need to update your Accounts Contact details, please contact our helpdesk: 
Freephone: 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636)  Email: helpdesk@kindo.co.nz
Reports are generated on a weekly basis each Friday - with a transactional cut off at midnight on Thursday night. In some cases, Friday reporting is available for ezlunch suppliers.
(Daily reporting options are also available on request but this does incur an additional convenience fee).

Reporting Summary
Kindo will automatically generate two weekly emailed reports and an invoice for each supplier.
e.g. A sports supplier for the school will receive one set of reports, and the office supplier for the same school will receive a separate set of reports. These can be viewed in the weekly Kindo Shop reports.

Kindo Payables Schools will also get a separate set of reports for their Payable items.

Reports are generated weekly on a Friday and sent by email to the nominated Accounts person for each supplier.
The reporting period runs from midnight Thursday to midnight Thursday.
Ideally, all your POS receipting is completed before the end of the working day on Thursday.

The accounts person will get three reports:
  • Summary (Finance) report - no student information, contains quantity, ledger codes and dollar value of items purchased
  • Detailed (Sales) report - contains student information as well as dollar value for the items
  • Invoice - shows total sales, any refunds, our fee, GST, and the final amount that will appear in your bank account.

If refunds have also been processed, you will also get a report detailing the refunds - student and item details and any refund comments.
Funds are then deposited into your nominated bank account on the Monday and will correspond to the amount on your invoice.

Summary Report (Finance Report)
The Summary or Finance report allows you to quickly review the payments that have arrived during the period.
  1. The week runs from midnight Thursday (previous week) to midnight Thursday (current week).
The below example shows the Service Id as Payables and then each different ledger code is in a separate row.

The ledger code is what you have entered on the Partner site, under the GL code field for that particular payable.
If more than one item has the same ledger code, they will appear on the same row, but in the description column, each of the items will be listed.
E.g. If you have a Full year donation, a Term 2 - 4 donation, a Term 3 and 4 donation, and a Term 4 only donation, and they all have the same ledger code, they will all appear in the same row.

Detailed Report (Sales Report)
Our detailed report gives you a breakdown by student and the items purchased. This is in CSV format so can be opened in MS Excel and allows you to sort and filter the information as you require.

Refund Report
Any refunds that have been processed will also be outlined in a separate report.

This will give you the date of the refund, amount and item refunded, the item's ledger code, the student's name and any associated comments entered when processing the refund.


POS Top Ups Report
If the school has collected any funds directly by way of transfers, eftpos or credit cards and credited these amounts to the caregivers Kindo accounts - then an additional report detailing these POS top ups will also be provided with the weekly reports.


Weekly Invoice
Your weekly invoice will show you the total amount of payments/purchases for that time period, minus any refunds and POS transactions.
You will also see our fee deducted and the GST portion, with the final net amount that will appear in your nominated bank account.

This is a dual-purpose document. It serves as both:
  1. An invoice - from the school to TGCL for payments we have received on their behalf
  2. A GST invoice - from TGCL to the school for our Service fee
These amounts will be offset against one another, and the net amount deposited directly to your bank account.

See example invoice below:
Click the link if you would like to know about our Kindo Payables and Xero Rapid Integration

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