Managing Credits & Automatic Payments

Managing Credits & Automatic Payments

Managing the transition of any current family credits over to their Kindo accounts is different for every school.

Some schools choose to offer refunds to families before a set date and then remaining funds are transferred onto their myKindo accounts.
For you to be able to add these funds, caregivers first need to create their myKindo accounts. For more information for your caregivers, visit: myKindo Account

The caregivers email in their myKindo account must be the same as the email in your SMS.

If they are in credit, but also have outstanding amounts, then to minimise workload, we recommend that the existing credit is applied to any outstanding amounts first before sending us any of this information.

Applying Credits

For any credits that need to be applied to myKindo accounts, you can use the Top Up feature on the POS page to top up funds directly into caregivers myKindo accounts. 

This process is only for people who are in credit on their school account.

When applying credits using Top Up on POS Page, it is important to check, for blended families, which caregiver the credit belongs to.

FOR XERO USERS: Record the funds in your Kindo Clearing Account as these will be matched when you reconcile your invoice.


Automatic Payments

If caregivers do make regular bank transfers to your school account, please encourage them to update this transfer to go to their myKindo account instead.

Caregivers can find all the details they need under the ‘myKindo wallet’ in their myKindo Account. For more information, please share this link with your caregivers: How to set-up an automatic payment.
You can share this link with your caregivers who have an automatic payment going into your school account.

You might want to consider communicating to your caregivers:
  1. a close off date for all automatic payments to stop;
  2. remove school bank account number from your website or other information that families access to avoid any confusion.

Any questions? Visit
Contact our Customer Support on 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636) 
Open 8am - 4pm weekdays.

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