Unlinked Students

Unlinked Students

If students are not linked to a myKindo account, caregivers will not be able to see their outstanding payments for any payables that the school has applied.

There are two main reasons a student hasn't been linked to a myKindo account:
  1. The caregivers have not yet joined myKindo.
  2. The caregivers are using a different email address on the school records to the email they have used to setup their myKindo account.
Once linked, they will then be able to view any outstanding payables payments on their personalised account and make full or part payments for these.
Plus when you update room numbers in your SMS, it will automatically update their myKindo account, making your reporting a lot clearer.

SMS Linked School report will show you which students are not currently linked to a myKindo account, along with their caregiver information so that schools can email families and encourage them to setup an account.  

For any caregivers not setup, encourage them to visit Complete Setup

Any questions? Visit support.kindo.co.nz
Contact our Customer Support on 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636) 
Open 8am - 4pm weekdays.
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