Report options summary for Kindo Shop

Report options summary for Kindo Shop

Access: Order Administrators

Download format allows you to search over a date range, filter the orders, and the reporting options available include both PDF options and Excel/CSV options.

Order Status 

Login to the shop site
Go to mykindo and select order status

or go to School Admin Home page and select Order Status.

Set the dates using the Select a date range. Click on the start date before Today's date and click on the end date. Today's date will be default. 

De-select any of the orders status options you don't want to see: Pending, Processing, Completed.  Kindo automatically defaults to showing all the status options.

Select View orders, and your orders will appear on the screen.

Using the filter buttons under Member, Category and Product, you can further define your onscreen orders.
  • Use the Member filter to select specific room numbers.
  • Use the Category filter to select specific categories. i.e. Sports, Pita, Uniform, sausage sizzle or Camp.
  • Use the Product filter to select individual items. i.e. Hockey, Shirts, or Ham Pitas. 

Download selected orders by using the Select download format drop-down arrow.
Select the report you wish to download or print.

You may need to scroll down the list to find the report or PDF you are looking for.

Includes lists of Kindo Payables and Kindo Payables Historic Items as well as Shop items and ezlunch items. 
Below is a summary of the reporting options which details the features shown in each report:

Download CSV file / Download Excel workbook

Generates an excel file which contains all information and can then be downloaded for flexible sorting and viewing.  
Contains student name and room number, date ordered, items purchased, dollar values for items, options, and choices, supplier, category and service names, along with Account holder information (name, mobile, email), the status of the order (pending, processing or completed) as well as answers to any questions.

Download Simple CSV file / Download simple Excel workbook

An excel file which contains Student name and room, items purchased, and account holder details.

Contains answers to questions. Options and Choices are visible on this report.

School Purchase report

An excel file which sorts the data, so that each different class appears under a different sheet within the same file.

Contains the students name, room number and item they have purchased. 

Perfect when you need the information in class lists. 

Options and Choices are not visible on this report.

A PDF is formatted with 8 labels per page, in room number order, for use on an A4 label sheet using any desktop printer.

Shows allergy alert for food suppliers.  Labels are based on assigned consignment for items.

The child’s name and room are at the top of each ‘label’ followed by the items purchased.  

Each ‘label’ has six lines associated with it, so that if more items are purchased the child will have more’ labels’.  This can be seen under the Label heading e.g. 1/1 or 1/2, 2/2 etc. 

A PDF document is formatted displaying 33 items per A4 page, for use on OfficeMax33 labels per page sheet and Avery L7157.  

There is ONLY ONE ITEM PER LABEL or a quantity of a single item. E.g. 2xSausage roll.

Report has all the same items grouped together and prints in the order of Menu Category, then Item, then room number. 

Report has Child’s name, room number, item and any options and choices.

A PDF document is formatted displaying one order per A4 page.

Report has Child’s name, room number, student ID, order date, items purchased, and any options and choices.

Good for longer orders that won’t fit on a label – like individual stationery items or uniform items.

A PDF document displaying multiple orders per A4 page. All the same items are grouped together (all camp payments and then all PE Shirts in the example below), it includes answers to questions and will show options and choices.

Prints exactly as it appears on the screen for you.

The oldest orders are at the top and the newest orders are at the bottom.

Label List

Generates a PDF list of orders in room number order.

The child’s name, school and room number are listed, along with their items.  Will also show options and choices.

Each ‘label’ has six lines associated with it, so that if more items are purchased the child will have more’ labels’.  This can be seen under the Label heading e.g. 1/1 or 1/2, 2/2 etc.  

Production List and production List extended

Production List will display the total number of each item from the orders due for delivery on the selected day. (No customer information is detailed).
Production List extended will display the total number of each item from the orders due for delivery on the selected day. It will also include customer choices and answers. (No customer information is detailed).

If the report does not appear, check that your browser is set to “Always allow pop-ups” from

The PDF will also show you allergy alert information if you are a food supplier.

If the report does not appear, check that your browser is set to “Always allow pop-ups” from

List by Location (PDF) 
The “List by Location (PDF)” generates a set of pages – one per delivery location/school, which is great for Suppliers who supplier to more than one school.

At the bottom of the report will be a summary or orders:

And also any allergy information that families have entered for their students:

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