Viewing and Downloading payables and payments

Viewing and Downloading payables and payments

Access: Payable Administrators

Kindo Payable Status page allows you to view and download who has paid, part paid and not paid a Kindo payable item.

You can also:

These other actions are explained in more detail on the other support pages. Please click on the links above for individual articles or go to Knowledge Base; Payable Status.

Viewing and Downloading payables and payments

Select Payable Status from the main Kindo Payables Admin page on the shop site.

            or alternatively go to admin and select payable status


Using the Payable drop-down options: Category and/or Payable, select the particular payable(s) you wish to view.
You can also search for a Payable category and/or Payable by just clicking and typing in the boxes.
Or you can leave on the default Any.


If All is checked, payables that have been moved to Kindo Payables Historic will also be shown. 

Using the Student drop-down options: Room, Year and/or Enrolment status, select the particular RoomYear and/or Enrolment status you wish to view.
You can also search for a RoomYear and/or Enrolment status by just clicking and typing in the boxes.
Or you can leave on the default Any.

Enrolment status is a function available for some SMS.

Using these options allows you to narrow down the list of payables further, using RoomYear and/or Enrolment status.
You can also search by just clicking and typing in the boxes.

 If you want to see all outstanding payables, leave all boxes with Any selected.

Show advanced filters allows you to view your groups.

The Show advanced filters allow you to include payables that are Hidden or Exempt.
Hidden will show you items which have been hidden from a family account but can be unhidden at any time.  

This is for both individual payable items that have been hidden, and group rules that have been hidden.

Exempt will show you items which have been removed from a family account, but only when applied as a rule.
Exemptions only apply to group rules, not individually applied payables.
If a payable was applied to Year 3 students, you will have the ability to remove using the exemption action.

Select which options you would like to view on your screen - No Payments, Part Payments and/or Paid.

It will default to No payments and Part paymentsYou can select one, two or all three options.  

When sending reminder emails, you would only select the No Payments and Part Payments option. Emails will not be sent for fully paid items.

All payables for your selected criteria will appear on the screen to view. 

You can add visible columns by selecting Columns and selecting additional columns under Column Visibility; Room, Applied, Requested, Rule or Comments.

There are additional filter options for each column. Click on the column heading and an arrow will appear.
You can view the information in the column in alphabetically/numerical order - ascending or descending.
This filter can be applied to any of the visible columns.

If you see an ‘UNKNOWN’ or '-' in the Room column for a student, it often means the student is a pre-enrol, or the student has left the school. 
It can also mean that you have not allocated a room number. Please let our Helpdesk know and they will work with you to correct it.


If you would like to export this information you can click Export.

 A pop up will appear. A CSV file will be downloaded onto your computer. 

You can then open the file in excel. 

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