Tidying up and retiring payables

Tidying up and retiring payables

Access: Payable Administrators       

Payable Administrators have special rights on the shop site which will allow them access the payable pages. To request Payable Administrator rights please contact Kindo Customer Support

Before you take any of the steps below, we recommend running any reports for Kindo Payables you might want to keep as a record, as some of the steps below will remove information from reporting.
We suggest considering the following: Classic Student Payables Review, Outstanding Payables (advanced), Aged Student Payables by Student ID and Current Available (proto) Payables.

1. Retiring Payables

Retiring or writing off Payables from caregivers' accounts has never been simpler with Kindo. 
You can do this at the end of the academic year, start of the following year, or at the end of each term - depending on the payable and your school policies.

Once you have retired a payable, you cannot get the data back so please Export the payable data prior to retiring it either on the Payable Status Page and/or Payable Reporting Page.

On Shop Site, on the Admin Home page, select Payable Status

If this is the end of year, you may want to write off all outstanding payables, so select 'Any" under the Payable dropdown.

However, most schools only retire 'Donations' at the end of the year, (and/or Payables for students in their final year who are leaving the school). We don't encourage you to retire everything. Select Donations and then select 'all'.

Alternatively, you can do one payable at a time by selecting the payable you wish to retire.

Select all Payment types (No Payments, Part Payment and Paid).

You’ll see this will bring up a count for all matching payables onto the screen.
Select all students by clicking on the top square.
Select individual students by clicking on the matching square.

Once you have selected students, click on Select action and choose Retire.

Remove payables permanently including those which have been part or fully paid. This action is commonly used as students leave or during the end of year rollover/write off.

We recommend exporting prior to completing this action.

Fill in the compulsory Comment field. (This comment will be stored in our database if you ever need to refer to why a specific item was retired.
Click Confirm.       

A pop-up box will appear confirming the payable(s) has been successfully Retired.

While that has removed it from the caregivers' accounts, the payable is still going exist on some of our payable pages and caregiver history can be viewed on the Connect page and/or Order Status and Reporting

2. Hide Groups 

You can hide groups you no longer using as a tidy up step. This will help keep your groups list manageable and prevent any confusion when you go to add your groups for next year that may have similar names. (e.g. 2024 full year donation vs 2025 full year donation.)

This step does not apply for schools using Kamar or Hero (unless you also use Kindo groups), as by default only the current year groups will show.

Go to Admin Home, then Groups Editor.

Select the group you would like to hide by searching in the Group search box or using the dropdown menu.

Click Hide.


At any point in the future you can choose to select Show Hidden Groups, and/or Unhide a group.

This is a task that can be done throughout the year when you know you will not be using that group again.

3. Rollover Payables

Please visit - Rollover of Payables.

4. Rollover Rules

5. Marking payables as Historic

Marking as Historic/Marking as Current can be done both ways, so if you do accidentally mark an item as historic prematurely, you can move it back to current at any point.

Go to Payable Catalogue.

You are able to mark items as historic in two ways:
  1.  Individually via the Actions drop down option to the right of each item on Payable Catalogue.


  1. In bulk by ticking the required items to the left of each row on Payable Catalogue.

If you no longer need an item visible at all, and there are no outstanding student payables against it, you are now able to delete.

6. Disabling Rules

Once you have completed the previous steps, you may also wish to disable rule/s that are no longer required.
Please visit Disabling a rule.

Room allocations for the following year

Student rooms automatically update from your SMS to Kindo and caregivers will be able to see this on their Kindo account.

If you do not want room information for the following year to be public either:
  1. Wait to update rooms in your SMS until the new year / just before the school year begins.
  2. Send a request to helpdesk to disable the roll temporarily for the relevant time period.

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