Payable Rollover Overview
Access: Payable Administrators
Payable Administrators have special rights on the shop site which will allow them access the payable pages. To request Payable Administrator rights please contact Kindo Customer Support.
Rolling over and creating payables from one year to the next has never been simpler with Kindo. You can do this at the end of the academic year or start of the new year - depending on the payable and your school policies.
Before you work with the Payable Rollover page, we recommend you follow our
End of Year Process.

You can roll over payable items at any time, but make sure you only rollover rules and apply once your roll has been updated for the upcoming year.
On Shop Site, on the Admin Home Page, select Payable Rollover.
Rollover of Payables

Note: this page is future-looking. There will be no impact on existing payables - they won't be moved to historic, nor will it delete anything from anywhere.
Only current payables for the latest year will appear in your list. You can choose to Rollover items or Dismiss them.
Search for a specific item or keyword, or use the category filter.

Tip: The category filter may be very useful if you have had confirmation of details for a specific category, e.g. Donations
1. Rollover Payables
- Selecting Rollover will open a modal, where everything from the original payable has been duplicated except one year has been added to the ‘year’ field e.g. 2024 to 2025.
- Fields to be updated via this page have been reduced to reflect the most commonly edited fields. If you are needing to update additional fields (e.g. permission questions) you can do this via the Payable Catalogue page.
- Check the key fields, update as necessary (e.g. price change) and then Save and Publish – your new payable is now ready to use/apply!
2. Dismiss Payables
You can choose to Dismiss an item if you don't need to re-create it or if you haven't yet received confirmation of its new cost or other details.
Select Dismiss.
A notification will appear confirming that the item has been skipped for rollover and removed from the page.

If you choose to Dismiss, you can re-create the payable item at a later time from the Payable Category page.

The aim is to have this page empty. Later in 2025, this page will update to show 2025 payables ready for rollover. Until then, you will continue to see 2024 payables so if you aren’t planning on creating new payables until the new year, that’s okay.
Rollover of Payable Rules
- If the original payable you chose to ‘Rollover’ on the previous page had no rules attached, you won’t see them on this page.
- If the original payable DID have a rule, you will see the updated new payable here, along with the suggestion based on the previous rule you had. For example, if your 2024 School Donation was applied to the ‘whole school’ then this page will ask if you want to create the same rule for the 2025 School Donation.
- Like Payable Rollover, this page is future looking: it will not disable previous rules. When you are ready, you can disable these via Payable Maintenance.
- Again you can filter to categories, so if you are want to update all Course Contributions, or if the Science Department confirm their timetables are all finalised, then you can filter down to just the relevant payables.

IMPORTANT: Only complete the Rules Rollover when you have updated your SMS for the new year. If you are unsure if the changes are flowing from your SMS to Kindo, please contact the helpdesk before actioning.
1. Rollover Payable Rules
- If the rule shown (e.g. 2025 Maths L1 Course Contribution to be applied to L1MATH) is correct, you can just select 'Apply Rule'. This will create the rule, apply to any students who currently fit the criteria, and be visible on Payable Maintenance to alert you of any updates as they flow through from your Student Management System.
- While you are waiting for an apply action to complete, you can continue to work through the remainder on the page. These will be processed and, when complete, you will see the number of students affected by this action, and the payable will now be visible for caregivers to pay.
2. Dismiss Payable Rules
- Similar to payable rollover, you can chose to Dismiss (e.g. if it was a netball team that you had created for 2024 you will want to create a new group for 2025 rather than apply to the same group).
- When you are ready to apply any dismissed rule, you can do so via Payable Apply.

Continue working down the page until all suggested rules have been applied or dismissed.
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