Payable Category

Payable Category

Access: Payable Administrators

Payable categories can be created and items allocated to these categories.  This has two functions:
  1. It will allow you to view and export payment information on the Payable Status page just for the items in your chosen category.
  2. It will form the basis of 'View Only Reporting'.  Which means Teachers, Sports Coordinators, Faculty Heads and Heads of Department will be able to view payment status for the Payable categories that they are allocated.  For example, a Faculty Head of Arts Department, will be able to see all payable items related to the Arts category only.

To create a Payable category and add items to the category

Kindo Payables are applied from the shop site -
The payable pages are accessed via the Admin or School Admin Home options.

1.      Select the Payable Apply page from the main Kindo School Admin Home page.
2.      Select the Payable from the drop-down list.
3.      Click on the Edit Payable tab.


4.      If categories already exist, they will be visible in the drop-down box next to Payable Category, and you can select your Payable Category, and then click Save.

5.      If no categories exist, or you would like to create a new category, select Add.

  1. Enter in the Payable Category Name and select Create


  2. Select the category name from the drop-down list.
  3. Select Save.
6.       A pop up box will appear, confirming the update and asking if you want to go back to Payable apply page? Select OK.

You can do this for any of your payable items, and have as many payable categories as you need to.  What this will do is allow you to view just the items in a category on the Payable Status Page.  The example below shows a Sports category, and all the different sports payables visible. So it is a good idea to consider what your categories may need to be, based on reporting, and the different groups within your school. 

To remove a Payable category

1.      Select the Payable Apply page from the main Kindo School Admin Home page.
2.      Select a Payable from the drop-down list.
3.      Click on the Edit Payable tab.


4.      Select your Payable Category, and then click Remove.

5.      You will see the below pop-up box, explaining that by removing the category this will also clear the category for any associated payables.  You will then be able to assign a new category to these groups if necessary.


6.       Select Save. The Payable Category will be removed and you will be returned to the Payable Apply page.

Any View Only Access admins will no longer be able to report on payables that had previously been associated with the removed Payable Category.  Please contact the heldpesk if you need View Only Access updated.  

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