Chocolate box fundraisers using Kindo Shop

Chocolate box fundraisers using Kindo Shop

Access: Payable Administrators

Chocolate box fundraisers are popular at many schools, but they can be time consuming to organise and administer. Using Kindo can help to streamline this process for your school, by reducing or even eliminating paper forms, cash handling, counting and trips to the bank.

There are some different setup suggestions below, depending on how your school prefers to run this fundraiser. Further variations are possible to best suit your school.
Schools with Kindo Payables should also refer to Chocolate Box Fundraisers using Kindo Payables.

Option 1: Use this option if boxes are given out 'on trust' that the money will come back to the school.

List a Shop item: Chocolate Fundraising Pack Request at $0
      Caregivers request a fundraising pack to on-sell.


List a second Shop item: Chocolate Fundraising Pack - return base cost at $??
      Caregivers return the 'base cost' to the school, but use the profit raised to topup their myKindo account and contribute to the event cost (e.g. Camp, AIMS).


To avoid confusion, you may wish to only publish the second Shop item once the Fundraising packs have been distributed to students.

Option 2: Use this option if the school requires payment for the chocolate before it is given out to students to sell.

List a Shop item: Chocolate Fundraising Pack - base cost at $??
      Caregivers choose to buy one (or more) chocolate fundraising packs to on-sell.
      They use the money raised to topup their myKindo account to contribute to the event cost (e.g. Camp, AIMS).


Remember to consider the Kindo Fee when you set the price for any Shop items.

List the event that the chocolate box fundraiser is for on Shop e.g. Camp, AIMS.

Caregivers who have participated in the fundraiser can use the profit to topup their myKindo account to contribute to the event cost.

List one item for the full cost of the event.   e.g. Camp $150.
List installment items for the event to enable part-payments.   e.g. Camp installment 1 $50, Camp installment 2 $50, Camp installment 3 $50.
      Caregivers are able to pay over time.
Remember you can also create an online form, by adding your camp questions e.g. permission, medical, dietary, volunteers.
See more detailed information here: Adding questions to items in Kindo Shop.
For all of the above options, orders can be viewed and downloaded in various formats using Full View Reporting on the Order Status page at any time.

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