Registering suppliers (internal)

Registering suppliers (internal)

Access: Service Administrators

You can add internal suppliers to provide items to your Kindo Shop at any time. "Registering Suppliers" is used when you, or someone within your organisation, will be managing the supplier and know the bank account details for the supplier, e.g. your school's sports coordinator, your school's PTA or the school office. 

If you wish to invite a supplier from outside the school see our article Inviting Suppliers (external).

1. On the partner site select service manager.

2. Select Invite or Register new supplier from the buttons on the right of your screen.

3. A pop-up box called Add Supplier will come up. Click on Register new supplier now.

4. The Supplier Registration form will come up.


5. Every field on the form will need to be completed in order to register the supplier.

  • Legal name of company: Enter in the school name followed by "Office", "Sports", "PTA" etc, e.g. Welcome Bay School Office
  • Trading name of company: Should be the same as the legal name above. NOTE: it is very important that the name is entered correctly, changes after registration can cause complications
  • Company address: usually the school's address
  • Bank Account Number: account number where funds should be deposited
  • GST: enter suppliers GST number or select 'Not GST Registered' as appropriate
  • Product type: select General unless it is a food supplier. Selecting Food Supplier changes the billing cycle, adds fields on the item details such as hot/cold, gluten free etc and ensures any allergy information provided by families is shown on orders
  • Company logo: upload the supplier logo as a jpeg file of less than 5MB.
  • Menu Administrator: name, email and phone number of the person who will be creating categories and adding items for your shop
  • Order Administrator: name, email and phone number of the person who will be checking for orders and calling up reports on the shop site
  • Accounts: name, email and phone number of the person who needs to receive the weekly finance report
  • Customer enquiry details: this information will be seen on the bottom of the electronic receipt that automatically gets sent to parents, and on some label options. Enter a contact name or keep it generic, e.g. School Office

6. Read the Customer Terms of Service and tick the box to confirm that you agree.

7. Click Register to complete. 

8. Login and password details will show for your new Menu Administrator and Order Administrator. Record these details safely as you will not be able to access them again.

9. You can now create a new service and add them as supplier to that service (once they have created categories and menu items).


Inviting Suppliers (for external suppliers to the organisation) 

Creating a new service (once you have a new supplier set up)

Creating a new category

Creating a new item

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