Creating a new home page service

Creating a new home page service

Access:  Service Administrators 

1. On the partner site, select service manager. 

2. Click on the Add new button. 

3. Enter the Service Name in the pop-up box, e.g. "School Production", and click done.

4. The 'choose icon' pop-up box will appear. You can choose one of our icons by clicking on it, or 

you can click on the Upload a new icon button to upload your own picture (for more details on how to do this see our article Adding an image for your service).                                                    
NOTE: If you are uploading your own picture it must be a jpg or jpeg file and less than 5MB. 

5. Select add / remove categories to bring up a pop-up box for all the suppliers and categories that can be added to the service you are creating. 

6. Select the Supplier and then select the Category to be added to the service from the list that  appears. Once you have selected all the categories to be added to the service, click done.

NOTE: If no category names appear on your list, then the category has not yet been created and saved.  See our article Creating a new category for more information.

7. Under Availability choose whether the service will be Always open or select Set dates for services which are not available year round. 

Select Always open for services such as uniforms, stationery or anything else that is available all year round.

Select Set dates for services that have a specific time frame such as food services, a school trip or a fundraiser. You can add multiple dates (e.g. add all your term dates) by clicking the "add" button or, if you have already set up the correct dates in another service, click "copy from service" and select the correct service to copy from.

NOTE: You can choose to set actual term dates (recommended for a food service), 

OR a year long date from the beginning to the end of the school year (recommended for a sports service),

OR a shorter period of a few weeks (for ticket sales). 

For more details see our article Setting service dates.

In this example, a School Production - Peter Pan, we have Set dates so tickets can only be sold for the period up to the day before show starting. 

If you have used Set dates under Availability then,

  • Before you reach the last day date, you will get sent an automated email reminder to let you know your service is going to expire. 
  • Once the service reaches the last day, the home page service icon will still be visible to your families, but they will be unable to click on it.  There will be a message next to it saying "Sorry this service closed on xxx date". 
  • You can change and edit your dates at any time. 



  • For a service like sports, where orders can be placed any day and any time of the year, orders will close at 23.59pm on the last day of the service. 
  •  For a time sensitive service like lunches, orders will close at the time selected when creating the category using the daily order cutoff option.

For further information and explanations see What is a Daily order cut-off and when do I need it?


Services that have a daily order cut-off (usually food services) will have additional options when creating the Service icon.

8. Select the days the service is able to be purchased. So if your canteen was only open on Wednesday to Friday you would select Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Example 1: if your school canteen is open every school day, you would select Monday to Friday but NOT Saturday and Sunday.

Example 2: if you have a sausage sizzle every Tuesday, then only the Tuesday would be selected.

9. Special closure dates are days when your organisation is closed, e.g. Teacher Only Days and      Public Holidays. It is critical to add special closure dates to your Food services, as you do not want to take food orders for days when your school is closed. 

 Add all closure dates at the beginning of the term to avoid having to do refunds later. 

 It is NOT necessary to add these dates for general items like uniforms or sports.

Click on the add one button under Special Closure Dates.

In the pop-up box, enter the date and the reason for the closure. Then click done.

In this example, families cannot order a Sausage Sizzle Service on Tuesday 22 June as it is a special closure date.

This is how it will appear on the Shop site:

For more information visit our Setting Service Dates and Setting Special Closure Dates articles. 

10. Save & Publish to make your changes visible on your shop site OR Save Draft to save your changes to be published at a later date.

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