Quick Guide to setting up (an undated) service

Quick Guide to setting up (an undated) service

Menu Administrator
Creating categories
Creating items

Service Administrator 
Creating the service icon
Linking categories to the service
Hiding/disabling the service

Schools and Organisations can set up registrations and permission forms, tickets to events, merchandise sales and payments easily, using the set up described in this guide. 
Food days have a slightly different set-up, so please refer to our Quick guide for setting up food days, for specific information on food services. 

If you are selling items that have a limited quantity (e.g. tickets to events) please read our Quick Guide to Ticket Sales using the Stock Function.
Uniform items can be managed in two different ways, and more information on this set up can be found Quick Guide for Uniform Listings.

For your caregivers, your Kindo Shop will look something like this: 


Users will see the service icon and name on the home page, e.g. Movie.  Under this are the categories you have added, e.g. Movie Tickets. If they click on Movie, all the categories and items you have set up under that service will display. 


You can enter as much information as you need, including a summary (which appears directly under the item name – see left) and a description (which will appear when the user clicks on the item name or information icon – see below).

The user can add an item to their cart by clicking on add to cart, selecting the child for whom the order is for and completing the online registration form (optional) that you set up.

If you have added some Choices and Options, the user will be asked to make these selections before adding the item to their cart.


Users are not able to pay and register until they have answered all the questions you set as compulsory. 

Once the form is filled, the item will be added to their cart, and they can Checkout or shop for further items.


You can check for sales daily or at the close of the sales period. There are a number of reporting options available which will show you answers to the form questions and the options and choices selected, e.g., Download excel / CSV.


For more detailed information on reporting options, view the Reporting Manual for Order Status.


Key Reports

School purchase report is an excel report which will sort orders into class lists, with each class being on a new tab in the excel workbook.

NOTE: does not show options or choices so best used when each item is an individual listing.

  1. Label list is a PDF which will print the list in Room number order and will show options and choices.
  2. Print to A4 Label (8 per page) is a PDF for use on an A4 label sheet. Will show allergy information for food suppliers only, options and choices. Sorted in room number order.
  3. Print to Dymo label writer for use with a Dymo 450 label writer.  Will print labels based on consignment. Shows options and choices.
  4. Production list will give you total numbers of the items ordered and will show allergy alert information for food suppliers only.

Creating the listing

(Menu Administrator)

All set up is done on our partner website:  https://partner.kindo.co.nz.

TIP: Bookmark this page for quick and easy access.

1. On the partner site, select ‘item editor’ and check you are operating as the correct supplier.
You can add a Service Administrator and Menu & Order Administrator. Go to our section on our Knowledge Base about roles.


2. You can select an existing category and add new items or create a new category. Select ‘add new’.


3. Add your new category name to the pop-up box, e.g., Movie Tickets.
The category name can be the same name as the service.

Untick Has daily order cutoff’ (that function is only for dated food services).


4. Select done.

5. Select Add new item.


Start entering the information for your items, each step is numbered in the picture above.

6. Enter the name of your item, e.g., Ticket for Friday. This is a compulsory field.

7. Enter the price. This is a compulsory field.

8. Enter the GL Code (General Ledger code), this won’t be visible to users but will be visible on your internal reports.

This is optional, but each different ledger will be separated out on your reports so is recommended.

9. If you need to, add any other details you need for your reports into the Remarks field. This also won’t be visible to your users but will be visible on your internal reports. This is optional.

10. Add an image. Clicking here will bring up the image upload box. You can click to select an image you have on your computer, or you can drag and drop an image into the upload box.

You can add jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif & png files but they must be under 5MB.

11. Ensure that the item is Avail. Every day - available for purchase every day (click to change if not).

12. Enter important information in the Click to add summary field. This information will show up under the name of the item on the screen for your families.

Information can be copied and pasted from other documents, you can include links to websites, and you can format the appearance of the information – Bold, italics, bullet points.

13. If there is more information you’d like to add, enter it in the Click to add description field. Users will see this information if they click anywhere inside the item’s box.

Information can be copied and pasted from other documents, you can include links to websites, and you can format the appearance of the information – Bold, italics, bullet points.

TIP: if using the description field, add the words “click here for more information” somewhere in the add summary field, so users know to access the additional information.

14. If you want anything to be printed onto the electronic receipt that gets sent, enter it in Detail to print on electronic receipt.

15. If you have a limited number of items, e.g., tickets to sell, select the pencil icon next to Available Quantity: unlimited to update the stock numbers. In Limited Stock you can type in the stock number. If you have no stock enter ‘0’ in this field.

On the shop site, the caregivers will see ‘Sold Out’ notification.  Note: Stock Numbers can be edited at any time, it is the responsibility of the supplier to check stock and maintain stock levels.

16. Add any Choices here, choices are for when the user can only select one, e.g., Size of uniform.

TIP: Some reporting options (like school purchase report) will not show options or choices. Alternatively, you can list each item individually.  E.g. instead of an option for an additional can of drink, this could be an individual item.

17. Add any Options here. Options are used when the user can choose more than one of the options and/or they come at an additional price, e.g., select a drink for an additional $1, users can have more than one can. The default setting for option price is $0. If you would like to add a charge, click on Has priced options and fill out the fields. If no price is added in this field, the user will be able to add all the options without any cost to them.

It is not possible to use stock function AND choices/options for the same item, as the stock function is counting down stock for the item itself not the choices included with it. E.g. Uniform Polo Shirt Item - stock will countdown this item as a whole, not the sizes listed as choices. If you would like to use the stock function, create separate items for each choice.

18. Create your permission form by entering questions or statements that the customer needs to answer under Form Questions.
Question ID - this is for your reference only. It will print on your internal reports but will not be seen by the customer.
Question - enter your question or statement here, this is what the customer will respond to.
Answer - select the type of answer you require from the dropdown menu. Choose between Yes/No, Text (the customer writes in their answers).
Compulsory - tick this ON if the customer must answer the question before continuing.

You can change the order of your questions by using the grab handles to the left of each question and dragging up or down.

19. Select the tick next to the price when you are happy with the details, to close the editing options.


20. To create another item similar to the one you have just created, e.g. Entry ticket with goodie bag, select Duplicate Item to create a copy.


21. Edit the name, price, and any other details for the new listing. All details will be copied from the original listing to the new one, except item image and available quantity.

You cannot have Items with identical name. You will see a warning if this is the case.


22. You can change the order of your items by clicking on the handle and dragging the item to its new position.

23. Once you have created listings for all your items, select Save & Publish.

TIP: This will not be visible to parents until we add it to a service.


Creating the home page service icon
(Service Administrator)

All set up is done on our partner website: https://partner.kindo.co.nz

TIP: Bookmark this page for quick and easy access.

1.       On the partner site, select service manager.

2.      Click on Add new.

3.     Enter the Service Name (if not already set up or adding to an existing Service) in the pop-up box, e.g. Movie and click done.


4.      The choose icon pop-up box will appear. Choose one of our icons by clicking on it, or click on the upload new icon button to upload your own picture.  You can select a file from your computer, or you can drag and drop an image into the upload file option.


NOTE: if you are uploading your own picture, it must be a jpg or jpeg file and less than 5MB.

5.      The add/remove categories pop-up box will appear. Choose the Supplier and then select the Categories. e.g. Movie Tickets that you created earlier.



6.     Under Availability set the dates for your service. The service “closes” at midnight on the last day of the service. Tickets to our Movie will be available from Mon 20 November 2023 to Wed 20 December 2023.


Always open (5 Years), means the service is continually open with no closing date, and so will remain available to your users, until such a time as you disable (hide) the service, or set dates.


7.     Click Save & Publish at the top of the page to make your items visible on your shop site (or Save Draft to save your work, but not yet make visible to families).


8.      Finally, click generate shareable link (see above). This will bring up a window where you can copy a special link that will take families straight to this service once it’s published.

Use this link in any electronic document, newsletter, or webpage where the Movie is mentioned or advertised to make it easy for families to buy tickets.



Add external affiliate suppliers

At Kindo, we have a range of different affiliated suppliers that can be added to your shop.



Select your affiliate supplier & let us know. We will set it up for you. (Available suppliers can be found on our website, or we can work with you if you have one you would like to use.)
Families purchase through myKindo. Affiliate supplier delivers to school, labelled and ready to distribute. (Home delivery also available in some cases.)
Invoice the affiliate supplier. (Kindo reports will tell you how much to invoice.)

Hiding the home page service icon
(Service Administrator)

Hiding the Service when the Movie is finished, or if you are not yet ready for it to be visible to your users, means your Kindo shop doesn’t become too cluttered and stays relevant.

1.      Go into the service and tick the disabled button. This will hide the service. Save & Publish to make changes visible on your shop site.


2.      Next year, or next term, when you want to enable it again, you will find it under Hidden Services. Untick disabled and it will be enabled.  Amend the dates and categories you want included. Then Save & Publish to make it visible on your shop site.

Adding a service to Community Shop

1.       If you would like your service to also be visible in your community shop, go into the service and tick the show in community shop button.
2.     This service will now be visible in Community Shop.


3.     Go to Service Manager page on Partner. Click on Generate shareable link.



TIP: use the community shop link when advertising events/shop items that could be accessible to the community and not just your caregivers.
e.g., Movie, Alumni, Trivia night, Show, Performances and much more.

4.    Your community can buy items from your school shop just like any other online shop. They can register using their email address, create a password, select shop items, complete and purchase items using secure online payment options (Poli, credit card, Online Eftpos). A great way to help with Fundraising for your school and to get the whole community involved.


5.      For more information on community shop click here.

Checking Orders
(Order Administrator)

Viewing orders and reports is done on our shop (live) website:  https://shop.kindo.co.nz.
When you login to the Shop site, go to the Order Status page, which is where you need to be to check orders and call up reports. 


1.       Select the start and end date as the date of your event and click on Display orders.

2.     If there are more than just event orders, use the filter options under Menu category to select your event only.


3.      Click on the Download or print dropdown box to select the report options.


Need assistance?

Refer to our user manuals or online support articles for more detailed information or contact our Helpdesk.
·        Email:  helpdesk@kindo.co.nz
·        Online Support: support.kindo.co.nz


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