Applying a Payable for split families

Applying a Payable for split families

Access: Payable Administrators

Generally, in the situation of split families, each caregiver will see the full amount of the item to be paid and can choose to pay their portion of the amount, providing the part payments option is enabled.

Part payments are enabled as the default option, unless otherwise requested, and will be allowed on all payable items. 

This standard setup is recommended, as it enables caregivers to manage their own finances independently from the school and reduces workload.

However, there may be sensitive situations when it is important that split caregivers do not see whether a student item has been paid by the other, and this method is specific for this type of situation.

Splits are available for the following student management systems: Musac Edge, Hero, eTAP, Kamar.

For Kamar Schools there are limitations.  A request for the split families function to be enabled must be sent to the Kindo Helpdesk. 


It is possible to automatically split the payment request by a set percentage between caregivers. If you wish to take advantage of the Auto Split feature, please get in touch with our helpdesk now.
Please refer to Auto Split feature.


While caregivers may be able to manage the majority of payable payments between themselves, there may be situations where specific payables (e.g. an expensive extra-curricular sport) require a split in that individual situation. 

If you would like to use this feature, please contact our helpdesk to ensure manual splits are enabled for your school before following the below steps.

If the Payable has already been applied to a group or whole school, first ensure the original payable is removed from the student before re-applying it to split caregivers - this is so the payable does not appear twice on their account.

Kindo Payables are applied from the shop site -

The payable pages are accessed via the Admin or School Admin Home options.


  1.    Select Payable Apply from the main Kindo School Admin Home page.
  2.    Select the payable from the drop-down list.
  3.    Select Edit Payable to change the Max per student to 2.
  4.    Ensure Student is selected.  A pop-up box will appear similar to this:


  5.   Enter the first few letters of the student's first name or ID number and then select Search
  6.   A list of all students with those letters in their name will appear.
  7.   Click on the name of the correct student to select it.
  8.   Next to the Student info there is a drop-down box with Payable by Any caregiver. Select which caregiver you would like to allocate the first part of the payment to.
  9.  Change the start amount to their portion of the payment. E.g. if the total cost was $100, and Mum is paying 70% of the cost, the start amount for Mum will be $70.00.
  10.  Add a comment if required in the Comment (internal) field.
  11.  Select Apply.
  12.  Repeat steps 1-7 for the second caregiver.
  13.  Select Edit Payable to change the Max per student back to 1 again.

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