Supplier Definitions

Supplier Definitions

When you first register your school, you are setting your school up as the Organisation.

  • Every organisation has suppliers
  • Suppliers provide items to the organisation
  • Suppliers can be internal (e.g. your school office), or external (e.g. Pita Pit)
  • An organisation can have several suppliers or they can have just one

There are two ways to invite suppliers to supply items to sell in your Kindo Shop

  1. Invite supplier
  2. Register new supplier

Invite Supplier

Inviting suppliers is used when asking businesses or groups from outside your organisation to become a supplier, e.g. lunch providers, fundraising organisations, uniform suppliers etc.

When you Invite a Supplier an email will be sent to them letting them know you have requested they be a supplier and asking them to fill in a registration form. Before you invite them please ensure you have had a conversation with them about Kindo and what you are hoping to achieve.

Register Supplier

Registering suppliers is used when you, or someone within your organisation, will be managing the supplier, e.g. your school's sports coordinator, the school PTA or the school office.

When you register a supplier you fill in all the details on the registration form including bank account details and who the Menu Administrator will be etc.

Useful Links

Inviting Suppliers

Registering Suppliers

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