myKindo parent account / School managed account / Link student to me

myKindo parent account / School managed account / Link student to me

Access:  Kindo Payables Administrator

There are three different types of accounts that can be created in Kindo.
  • Caregiver created myKindo account **RECOMMENDED
  • School Managed Account
  • Link student to me

myKindo account

This is the preferred option, even if families do not intend to pay online, we would encourage them to set up an account.  The set-up process is straight forward using your specific links for your school.
The benefits of the caregiver having a myKindo account are:
  1. Any payment made by the caregiver, whether online themselves, or receipted by you on the POS page, the caregiver will automatically get sent their electronic receipt.
  2. Any donation payments also get an IRD approved receipt automatically sent (providing we have created that on the system and you have ticked the donation receipt option).
  3. Email reminders for outstanding payments will go directly to the caregiver with a link for them to go straight to their payment page.
  4. Caregivers can view their payments, and print a collated donation receipt for their rebate.
  5. Parents can have automatic payments going directly into their myKindo accounts, so they can be accumulating funds for bigger ticket items, or start of year costs.

School Managed account

This is the next best option if a caregiver refuses to create a myKindo account.  However they still must have an email address in your SMS for you to be able to create a School Managed account.
Points to note with a School Managed Account:
  1. The school will receive the electronic receipt, NOT the caregiver. It will have the caregivers information on the receipt and the school can then forward to them if necessary.
  2. Donation receipts will also go to the school, and you will need to forward them on.
  3. Email reminders will NOT go to the caregiver.  They will go to the school and cannot be forwarded on, due to the specific link contained in each email.
  4. They cannot view their payments and will not be able to download their donation receipt.
  5. They cannot have an automatic payment going into a School managed account.
School managed accounts can be handed back to the caregiver at any time, and they will receive all their previous transaction records, and have all the abilities of the myKindo account.

This is the least desirable option and should only be used, when you need to receipt a payment, and the caregiver does not have an email address in your SMS, and is unlikely to get one.
Points to note with a School Managed Account:
  1. All electronic receipts will have the administrators details on it as the payer, and be sent to the school.
  2. Email reminders will NOT go to the caregiver. They will go to the school and cannot be forwarded on, due to the specific link contained in each email.
  3. The caregivers will have no access to their payment receipts, and not automatic payment can be set up.
  4. Link student to me accounts can never be transferred back to the caregiver.

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