How to cancel an order

How to cancel an order

Access: Manager rights

On the shop siteManagers can access the Customer page, where they can cancel a Kindo Shop order a family has placed if it is before the cutoff time.

If the order has passed it's cutoff time, or the status has been changed to processing or completed, the order will then need to be processed as a refund. See article How to refund an order.

Ezlunch orders cannot be cancelled after their cutoff times.

Families can also cancel orders they have made, if it is before the cutoff time, using their 'my orders' option.

If you don't currently have access to our Customer page, and would like this functionality, please email our Helpdesk -

1.    Log in to the Shop site and select the Customer tab.

2.     Type the students first name into the Member field.

3.     Select the correct student, and a list of all their transactions will appear on the screen.  This includes orders, top-ups, refunds and cancelled orders, and has the most recent order at the top.

4.    Each purchase will have three options next to it. Select the Cancel option next to the purchase you wish to cancel.

5.   The following pop-up box will appear:


Select OK to cancel the order. The funds will be deposited back into the customers myKindo account.

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