Foreign Fee Paying Students Overview

Foreign Fee Paying Students Overview

Access: Payable Administrators

There are two options for managing your international student payments for high school students, depending on whether the school works with individual contingency funds in Kindo or not.
For more information on managing international students payments for primary/intermediate students please refer to our article Foreign Fee Paying Students - For Primary and Intermediate Students.

For both high school options below, the student needs to be identified in your SMS as a Foreign Fee Paying (International) student.
Each student must have a unique email address against their caregiver in your SMS, for the school to be able to create a School Managed account (SMA). 

Option 1 – Using Contingency Funds and School Managed Accounts

For more information about Foreign Fee Paying Students (Using Contingency Funds and School Managed Accounts), please visit: Foreign Fee Paying Students (Using Contingency Funds and School Managed Accounts)

For more information about Foreign Fee Paying Students (School Managed Accounts) please visit: Foreign Fee Paying Students (School Managed Accounts)

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