Applying a Payable to an individual student

Applying a Payable to an individual student

Access: Payable Administrators                                   

1.    Select Payable Apply from the main Kindo School Admin Home page.

2.    Under Payable, search or select the payable you wish to apply. 

2.    Ensure Student is selected, and a pop-up box will appear similar to this:


3.    In Search student, enter the first few letters of the student's first name or ID number

       A list of all students with those letters in their name will appear.

4.    Click on the name of the correct student to select it.


5.   Next to the Student, there is a drop-down box that states 'Payable by'. 

      The default is to allow the payable by 'Any Caregiver' which means that all caregivers who have an account will be able to view this payable. 
      You can also choose to just allocate the payment to one caregiver or split the payment between caregivers. (See notes on Applying payables for Split Families).


6.    Enter in the Start Amount if different from the original price, otherwise the original price from when you created the Payable on the Partner site will be added automatically.

       E.g. if a child started school in Term 2 and you were applying the donation payable (which was priced for the full year amount), you can adjust the start amount to reflect their attendance in Terms two, three and four only.

      Alternatively, you could also create another payable item that is for Terms 2 - 4 Donation, which you could apply.


7.    Comments (internal) is where the Administrator can add additional comments.  For example, using the donation example above, you could write “Term 2, 3 and 4 only”.

8.    Click on Apply to add the payable to the account/s.


Click here to view or download the full Apply Payable Guide

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