For Staff
School Payments online - Staff information
We are excited to introduce our Kindo School shop. All staff can order lunch and support fundraisers easily! It’s easy, convenient, and open 24/7. It is our preferred method of payment, and we encourage you to set-up your myKindo account today. ...
Information about Kindo Shop for staff
Our Kindo school shop can be accessed from our school website and is available to families 24/7, anytime, anywhere. There are several different features to Kindo: Our Kindo School Shop has items such as show tickets, fundraising, uniform, sports ...
Information about Kindo Shop and Payables for staff
We have moved to an online payment and permission form system called Kindo. Kindo will be our preferred method of payment, and we will be encouraging all our families to create an account. This will make our processes even more efficient for our ...
SMS groups and Kindo for teachers
Please note - this information is relevant for schools using Kamar, Edge, Helix and Hero. Information for teachers or other staff who use SMS groups where charges are applied using Kindo Payables. Kindo imports up-to-date data directly from your SMS. ...