Kindo Payment Requests - Manuals, Guides and Information
This section contains your payable manuals, guides for each payable page, and our quick guide for how to create a payable item, apply the payable and send email reminders.
Payable Rollover
Rollover both payable items and payable rules from the current year to the following year.
Payable Catalogue
Payable Status
Payable Status is all about viewing your payables - outstanding, part paid and fully paid - exporting the information, sending email reminders, and applying other actions to payables. Info on retiring, hiding, removing, changing the charged amount.
Payable Apply
You can apply a payable to individuals, whole school, custom groups, rooms and year levels easily. You can also apply separate amounts to split families if you need to.
POS - Point of Sale
This is where you go to receipt other payment methods for your Payable items, create school managed accounts and you can remove payable items from an account if no payment has been made.
Payable Maintenance
This page makes suggestions for adding and removing payables to students, based on other payables that you have applied. You can also disable these rules once events, trips have finished and you wont need to apply to any more students.
Groups Editor
This page allows you to create your own custom group of students. Groups likes Senior Choir which might be a mix of students across year levels and rooms.
You can add and delete students at any time to these groups.
This covers all the reporting options currently available under Payables.
Xero Integration
This covers the Xero and Kindo Integration set-up, as well as how to create a draft invoice and approve your invoice.
Foreign Fee Paying/International Students
Managing your international student payments.
Kindo Seed Roll
Kindo imports up-to-date data directly from School Management Systems for Administrators. We call this 'Kindo (Seed) Roll' data.