Using Max Instance

Using Max Instance

Access: Payable Administrators
Max instance is a feature you can use to ensure a Payable item will only be applied for a set amount of times to a student.  The default is one for any item created, but you can change this, if there are items that you might need to apply more than once to a student. Miscellaneous Stationery and Bus Passes are examples of items that you might apply more than once to a student. It is also useful for items you are applying at the end of the year, for the following year activities.

Camp example - Payable item name: 2024 Year 6 Camp deposit.  Applied at the end of 2023 to all current year five students, who will be in Year six in 2024.  By adding in a Max instance one, then at the beginning of 2024 you can then apply the 2024 Year 6 Camp deposit to all Year 6's.  Any student that had it applied as a year 5 student, will then not have the payable reapplied, so you will only be picking up the new year six students.
You can then disable the rule on the Payable Maintenance page for applying to year five students.

College example - a Science fee that is applied to all Chemistry, Biology, Physics students.  However this fee is only applied once, regardless if the student is doing one, two or all three sciences.  By having the max instance as 1 for the Science fee payable, you can then apply to all Chemistry classes, all Biology classes and all Physics classes, and if the student is taking all three then, then it will only be applied once.

1.      Select the Payable Apply page from the main Payables Menu.
2.      Select the Payable Item from the Payable drop down list.
3.      Click on the Edit Payable tab.


4.      You can then enter the Maximum number of times the selected Payable Item can be applied to a student, or leave blank for an unlimited number of applications


5.       Click Save.
6.       A pop up box will appear, confirming the update and asking if you want to go back to Payable apply page? Select OK.

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