Split Families - Auto Split Feature

Split Families - Auto Split Feature

Please let us know if you are planning on using our auto split feature for Kindo Payables. 

Our recommendation to use autosplit only for the families who require it. Families where a formal care agreement is in place where all costs are divided accordingly. If this is not the case confusion can occur, when one caregiver assumes the fee they are seeing is the full amount. 

For each student you wish to split future payment requests for, please send the following information to mentors@tgcl.co.nz:
  1. Student name
  2. Student ID
  3. Caregiver names
  4. Ratio of split (if this is uneven, make sure it is clear which caregiver has which proportion)
For outstanding balances, please let us know what payments have been made and by whom. 

Any questions? Visit support.kindo.co.nz
Contact our customer support on 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636) 
Open 8am - 4pm weekdays.

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