SMS - Kindo Student Links Report

SMS - Kindo Student Links Report

Access: Payable Administrators

This reporting option allows school to view which of their students are not currently linked to a myKindo account.  

If students are not linked to a myKindo account, they will not be able to see their outstanding payments for any payables items that the school has applied.

There are two main reasons a student hasn’t been linked to a myKindo account.

  • The caregivers have not yet joined Kindo
  • The caregivers are using a different email address on the school records to the email they have used to set-up their myKindo account

If the problem is a different email address, it is easiest to just change either the school email address to match the Kindo one, or the Kindo one to match the school one.

When updating a caregivers email address on your SMS system it is important to note that for some SMS systems, their information is not updated automatically, so a caregiver may need to allow time before trying to set up their account again.  For most SMS, the system updates every hour, however there are a couple that will update overnight.

If the caregiver prefers to use different email addresses however, you will need to contact our helpdesk with both email addresses so that we can connect the two.

1.    Login to the shop site and select the Admin option for the main Kindo Payables menu.

2.    Click on the Reporting button.

3.    Select SMS Linked School from the first drop-down box, and SMS - Kindo Student Links from the second drop-down box.

This will show you the date auto-linking last occurred for your school.

4.    At the bottom of the screen is an option to select either a single table report, or a three-table report. 


The Single table report will show you the student information and caregivers’ information all in one spreadsheet.

The Three tables report will separate out the information for you onto three separate tabs: Student, Caregiver and Association.

5.    Select the report you wish to view, and then click Export Unlinkable Students                                                        

       and the following information will appear:

  • Numbers of Unlinked Students,
  • Number of Students in Roll,
  • Number of Caregivers in Roll 
  • Caregiver-Student Relationships in Roll.

6.    Select Results to view the report. 


1.    This will generate a single excel or csv spreadsheet which will have the following information:

  • Student ID, Caregiver ID, and School ID
  • Students Name, Room, Year level
  • Caregivers Name, relationship to student, mobile and email.

NOTE:  Students will appear more than once on the report for the following reasons:

  • There are two separate caregivers both associated with the student
  • The student has been ‘linked to me’ by the school administrator (usually to receipt a payment when no account has been created by the caregivers).

(You can remove duplicates to ensure the last option is not visible on your report).

2.    You can then use this information to email those caregivers to encourage them to set-up their myKindo account.  


1.     This will give you the same information but separated out into three separate excel or csv reports: Students, Caregivers and Associations.

Students report will show you:

  • Student Name
  • Year level
  • Room
  • Student ID number

Caregivers report will show you:

  • Caregivers Name
  • Caregivers mobile
  • Caregivers email
  • Caregivers ID

Associations report will show you:

  • School ID
  • Caregivers ID
  • Student ID
  • External ID
  • Link to me ID

Students that have an ID in External ID and Link to me ID, means that they have been linked to the School admin account.  

For the majority of students this field should be blank.

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