Access: Payable Administrators
Kindo imports up-to-date data directly from School Management Systems for Administrators. This data includes:
- Student ID number
- Student First Name
- Student Last Name
- Student School Year
- Student Room
- Student Caregiver name
- Student Caregivers' emails
- Student Caregivers' contact number
- Student Caregivers' ID
We also take student Start/Left dates, but these are not visible on the Seed Roll page.
We call this 'Kindo (Seed) Roll' data, because it is used to seed Kindo accounts. It is a useful source of information for Admins, about what data is coming across from the SMS to Kindo.
Seed roll data moves to the Kindo shop-side, only with the agreement of caregivers. This agreement occurs when caregiver's sign-up to Kindo.
a family chooses to never use Kindo, their data never moves beyond the seed
This data is synced regularly so any updates you save in the SMS will come through. Please allow sometime for this to take effect.
Pre-enrol students - Each school can choose to have pre-enrol student information importing or not importing from their SMS to Kindo. Please contact our helpdesk if you wish to check / change your current setup.
For schools using Hero as their SMS, you can choose to import pre-enrol student information for either:
1. All pre-enrol students OR
2. Only pre-enrol students who have a year level and room assigned.
Exporting - you can export the Kindo (Seed) Roll to Excel.
In Excel, you can filter, sort, search etc. student data.
This data can be used to:
- check email accounts for caregivers;
- check who has a Kindo account;
- find student(s) in specific rooms or years or a specific family.
Content of the excel spreadsheet:
Column A = Start of a new student
Column B = Student ID number and Caregiver label.
Column C = Student first name and Caregiver's first name
Column D = Student surname and Caregiver's surname
Column E = Student Room and Caregiver's ID
Column F = Student Year and Caregiver's contact phone details
Column G = Caregiver's email address
Column H = Linked to Kindo (family name does not appear if they are not linked to Kindo)
Schools using Kamar SMS: You should see caregivers 1-4 coming across: 2 from Residence A and 2 from Residence B (if applicable).
Be aware that if there are only 2 showing, these could come from position 1 & 2, or position 1 & 3.