School Website Suggestion

School Website Suggestion

Having your Kindo School Shop - and your Kindo Community Shop - available through your school website is vital for easy accessibility for your users. The easier your Kindo shop is to find, the more likely people are to use it!
If possible, it is recommended to have something on your school website prior to going live, as it's easier for parents and caregivers to remember your school website, rather than rely on an emailed link, or having to remember the name ‘myKindo’!
Below is a suggestion of how this could look on your website, and suggested templates of what your webpages could look like. Feel free to make changes as necessary, but this will hopefully give you a starting point.

Your school specific Kindo link/s can be found on your Service Manager page under ‘Generate shareable link’.

To find your school's ezlunch menu link: Go to
Type the name of your school, and click on  'Show school menu' button. You will then be able to copy the menu URL.

What it could look like

Ideally, you would have a ‘Kindo Shop’ or ‘Kindo’ or 'Kindo & ezlunch' tab (or whatever you decide to call your shop) included in the header. The benefit of having your Kindo tab appearing on every page is that it's easier to find for parents. If they are looking at Enrolments or Learning information for example, the payment and registration option is right there.


Users will then be taken to a page with the two options below:       


If users click on the Community Shop option, they will be taken directly to the Kindo Community Shop to make their purchase.
If they click on the Kindo School Shop option, they will be taken to the next page which appears as below:

Working together with Kindo, our School offers you a simple and quick way to view and pay for school items, order lunches, register for sports, support fundraisers, purchase event tickets and complete registration and permission forms.
(Please personalise for your school offerings.)
This is our preferred method of payment, and we encourage you to set-up your myKindo account today.

Depending on the Kindo services your school has available will then determine which of the below options you will use.
(Attach links from Service Manager > Generate Shareable links, as shown above)

For Kindo Shop only schools

  1. myKindo account = School shop link


New myKindo or ezlunch users can select the Create an Account or Join option.

Existing Users can simply enter their email and password to login.

For Kindo Shop + Kindo Payables schools

  1. create account = New users registration link
  2. myKindo login = School shop link


New myKindo or ezlunch users can click on ‘create account’ to set up your account.  All you need is the email address the school has on file for you.

Existing account holders can login using the ‘myKindo login’ button. If you have had an account at another school or organisation you can update your details on the ‘my details’ page.

For Kindo Shop + Kindo Payables + ezlunch schools

  1. create account = New users registration link
  2. myKindo login = School shop link
  3. ezlunch menu = See explanation in 'School Specific Link/s' section above


New myKindo or ezlunch users can click on ‘create account’ to set up your account.  All you need is the email address the school has on file for you.

Existing account holders can login using the ‘myKindo login’ button. If you have had an account at another school or organisation you can update your details on the ‘my details’ page.

All schools...

Include the information below:

Payment options: Online Eftpos, Internet banking, instant transfers, and credit card options available. 

Visit for more information on payment options.

Online Tutorial: For a short video on how to use Kindo click here.


Our Kindo helpdesk is open 8am to 4pm weekdays.

Freephone: 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636)


Online support:

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