Payables Administrator

Payables Administrator

Your payables administrator will have access to all the Kindo payable pages. 


This will allow them to: 

  • Apply payable items to individuals, groups and whole school 
  • Remove a payable item from an account or group of accounts 
  • Hide / Unhide a payable item from an account
  • Send email reminders of outstanding payables to families 
  • View who has and hasn’t paid a particular payable 
  • Record other payment methods like eftpos and cash 
  • View and export reconciliation reports 
  • Print a statement of outstanding payables for a family 

If you need to add or update details of your payable administrator, please contact our Kindo helpdesk. 

Freephone: 0508 454 636 (0508 4 KINDO) 

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