Information for Caregivers - Newsletter Snippets

Information for Caregivers - Newsletter Snippets

Below are some suggestions to communicate with your school families via your school newsletter.
Images on this page are sized to suit newsletter format. For social media sized images please refer to: Information for Caregivers - Social Media snippets.

Simply right click on one of the images below.

Click Save image as.
Give your image a name and click save.
Add this image and let your school families know more about Kindo!
Make sure you look where the image is being saved. 

Choose an appropriate image for your current Kindo setup from the selection below... 

Complete Setup

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how to setup their myKindo account
Kindo and our school Student Management System talk to each other, so it's important that you check your child(ren) are linked. This means details like classroom changes will flow through automatically as well as any payment information. If you see a pop-up message 'We have detected one or more students that are not linked' you will need to follow the prompts to link your child(ren). Please ensure you use the same email address that we have on our system.


School shop

Suggested text for your newsletter to get families signing up to Kindo. (Ideal for start of the year!)
With our online Kindo shop, you can view and make payments from anywhere, anytime - 24/7.
New user? Simply scan the QR code or go to to create an account.
Existing user? Log in to your myKindo account, go to the 'my details' page to update your information and your students details in just a few clicks.


Sign in options using the App

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how to sign in to their myKindo account.
When using the app you can select your preferred ways to sign in on your device. Go to Account, choose 'Log In Options' and select your preferred method. EASY!


Changing an automatic payment

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how to change their automatic payment. (This is handy at the end of year when families are moving to another school.)
If you have an automatic payment set up going into our school bank account, can you please update this. Login to your myKindo account - and select myKindo wallet. Under the Online Bank Transfer are all the details you need to set up an Automatic Payment with your bank. IMPORTANT: You must include your unique payment reference number so we can ensure the funds are transferred into the correct account.


Topping up your Kindo account

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how they can top up their Kindo account.
There are a range of methods you can choose to top up your myKindo account. This can be done at the checkout, or by selecting the 'myKindo wallet' at any time.
Just a reminder if its for a lunch or time critical sports registration you will want to avoid the bank transfer option as it may not go through in time.

Desktop image

App image

Crediting your account

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how to assist with transferring their credits to Kindo. (Usually when a school has just launched.)
We now use Kindo to make school payments easy. Kindo is our preferred method of payment, and we encourage all our families to join.
Once you have created your myKindo account, any school credits you may have will be transferred by the school to your myKindo wallet for you to use.
Not with Kindo yet? Simply scan the QR code or go to and sign in or create an account. Registration is easy!
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you use the same email address registered with school.

Shopping on Kindo

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how to 'Shop' on Kindo.
Choose the item/s you want and add them to your cart. Select your student's name and complete options/choices or any additional information required.
Once you have made all your purchases, click on your cart and go to the checkout. Review your cart, top up your account if needed, and then simply click 'complete order'. Easy!
Your order will automatically go through to the school, and you will receive an email receipt confirming your top up and/or purchase(s)!

Personalised School payments

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know they have personalised school payments.
When you go to your myKindo account you will see your allocated school payments. These can be paid in full by clicking 'add to cart'. If available, you can adjust your payment to suit your budget by changing the amount in the white box before clicking 'add to cart'. Your order will automatically go through to the school. Check your email inbox for your receipt/order confirmation.

Part payments on 'personalised items'

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know they can part pay personalised items:
Just a reminder that you can part pay personalised items for your students by over typing the amount into the white box and adding to your cart. This is a great way to spread payment of items like camp or school trips.


Checking 'my orders' on Kindo

Suggested text for your newsletter if you have families asking how they can see what they have paid for. 
Not sure if you have completed your order on the Kindo school shop? Just go to the 'my orders' tab on your myKindo page and you will see your transaction history! All your orders, top-ups and shopping items will be listed here in date order. It's quick and easy to check and keep track of your orders.

How to find donation receipts on Kindo

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how they can find their 'donation receipts' on Kindo:
If you are wanting to claim back your 33% donation receipt you can easily download your receipts from your Kindo account to attach to your IRD tax return. Follow the steps on the Kindo support pages:-


Regifting to the school with Supergenerous

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how they can amplify their donation without spending any more money!
When you donate via myKindo, you get the option to amplify your donation, by joining with our tax rebate partner Supergenerous, to gift your donation rebate back to the school. Once you have finished at the checkout you can select 'Yes' from the amplify donation option. You can choose your rebate partner and simply follow the prompts. This really helps our school financially. More information is available on the myKindo support pages -


Promoting Supergenerous

Image available for promoting Supergenerous to your community to increase donation rebate funding to your school.


Changing schools and adding students

Suggested text for your newsletter for end of year advice to families on how to change schools or start of year to add students to a new school.
If you have students at two different schools and both have Kindo or ezlunch, you can just use one family myKindo account for everyone. Easily switch to a new school or add another school by clicking on 'Switch schools'. You can also add a student to your current account using 'my details' and add a member option. Go to for your myKindo account now.


Multi-ordering options

Suggested text for your newsletter on how to order lunch for the term.
Want to plan ahead? You can order for the whole term or select days/weeks in advance. From the list view, you can select all the available dates at once, or individually select dates from either the calendar or list view. Click continue and add to your cart, and checkout. Go to your myKindo account to order now.


Order or cancel school lunches online

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how to order lunch using the App.
Order school lunches online fast with the myKindo app. Lunches can be ordered for same day delivery or in advance, simplifying busy morning. Delivered fresh to school in time for lunch.

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how to cancel lunch using the App.
Need to cancel your lunch order? No problem - it's quick and easy. Remember to do it early! Cancellations are only available until order cut-off time.


Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how to cancel lunch online.
Need to cancel your lunch order? No problem - it's quick and easy. Remember to do it early! Cancellations are only available until order cut-off time.
1. Login to myKindo and go to 'my orders'.
2. Find the correct delivery date.
3. Select cancel and ok.


Sorting and filtering options

Suggested text for your newsletter on how to sort dietary requirements or items for lunch.
Want to order lunch? You can sort items alphabetically, by price and filter food items to suit dietary requirements (Gluten free, Dairy free, Vegetarian or Halal). Simply use the 'filter by' button when in your myKindo account.

Adding in food allergy information

Suggested text for your newsletter to let families know how to add student food allergy details.
You can add in student food allergy details, so they they will appear for your food supplier(s). From the 'my details' page add a member or choose the student under Members. Add the allergy information details into the text box that comes up. Select Save when finished. These details can be edited at any time. Go to for your Kindo account now. 


General ezlunch images

Choose from one of the following images which have different delivery options depending on lunch days at your school.

Suggested text for your newsletter to promote your ezlunch service.
Order school lunches online fast with the myKindo app. ezlunch lunches can be ordered for same day delivery or in advance, simplifying busy morning. Delivered fresh to school in time for lunch.




School lunches - Busy Parent flyer

Also available as a pdf (attached below)

Any questions? Visit
Contact our Customer Support - Open 8am - 4pm weekdays.

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