Importing outstanding amounts for Payables from eTAP

Importing outstanding amounts for Payables from eTAP

To ensure that all your current outstanding balances on eTAP are correctly transferred across to your new Kindo Payables, you need to:
  • send us specific information downloaded from your SMS,
  • turn off the eTAP payment portal for your families,
  • hold any payments that come in during the changeover period

Your downloaded information will be required the Friday immediately following your Session 2 Webinar.

Accounts Contact information

If you need to update your Accounts Contact details, please contact our customer support (see details at the bottom of this article).

eTAP outstanding balances report

Follow the steps below in eTAP:

AMOUNT OWING - in this paragraph there is a small heading on the left-hand side - OWING SIMPLE - please click on this.

Once you have the PDF scroll right to the bottom of the page and there will be a link to download CSV.

Please email this file to -

Holding payments

Any payments that come through to the school (via your bank account, cash, eftpos etc.) between sending us this information, and when your Kindo Payables are live should be held.
Once live, you can then receipt these payments using the Admin POS page, and this has been covered in your training. 

Please do not receipt these payments using your SMS.

Split Families

With outstanding balances, we recognise these may be applicable to just one caregiver in a split family situtation e.g. Michael has $100 remaining of a $200 camp contribution but Dad has already paid his half so the half remaining needs to be applied against Mum.  Please let us know on the CSV spreadsheet the caregiver an outstanding amount should be applied against if this is applicable.  For all other outstanding amounts, these will applied against the student and you do NOT need to enter any caregiver information.


If caregivers are in credit, but also have outstanding amounts, we recommend that the existing credit is applied to any outstanding amounts first. This will minimise workload. Alternatively, if the caregiver is in credit and has no outstanding amounts, you are able to manage these once you are live with Kindo.
For more information about managing credits, please visit: Managing Credits

Any questions? Visit
Contact our customer support on 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636) 
Open 8am - 4pm weekdays.

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