Hide and unhide a Kindo group

Hide and unhide a Kindo group

Access: Payables Administrator

Hiding a Kindo group  


You can hide a group so that it no longer appears in the drop-down list in the Groups Editor Page and other Payables pages. This reduces the number of groups in your drop-down list when searching for a group, making it easier to find your current ones.  


You can still refer to details of previously used groups by going back and unhiding the group at any time. 


This action does not affect the visibility of any outstanding payables for this group, for your caregivers.  

  1. Select Groups Editor from the main Kindo School Admin Home page.


  2. Select the groups you would like to hide from the Group drop-down list 

  3. Select Hide.

This will hide the group from your list here and on other Payable pages such as the Payable Apply Page etc. 


Unhiding a group  


  1. Select Groups Editor from the main Kindo School Admin Home page. 


  1. Tick the box to Show Hidden Groups 

  1. Select the hidden Group that you would like to unhide. 

  1. Select Unhide.

The group will now appear back in the list of groups both here and in the other Payable pages such as the Payable Apply page etc. 

These Kindo Groups are created, edited and managed in Kindo. You can; remove a student from a Kindo group and add a student from a Kindo group. You can then apply a payable to these groups in Payable Apply. 
See notes;

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