Features Update: June 2024

Features Update: June 2024

New myKindo App is here!

We built this app with one goal in mind: to make school life a little easier for families like yours. Every feature, every improvement was designed with your caregivers needs at the forefront. Please go to this link for more information and how to get started using myKindo App or update current App on either Android or Apple phones. 

You can share this
 link with your caregivers and get them making payments even more simple! 

If you or your caregivers have downloaded the app and love it, we'd be incredibly grateful if you could take a moment to leave us a review. Your feedback not only helps other parents discover myKindo but also means so much to our dedicated team who poured their hearts into creating an app that truly makes a difference. 

🌟 Here's why your review matters:
- It helps other families find a solution to simplify their school payment process
- It provides valuable feedback for our continuous improvement efforts
- It recognizes the hard work of our team who are committed to solving real problems for parents If myKindo has made a positive impact on your daily routine, please consider sharing your experience.

Their and your review, no matter how brief, will fuel our passion to keep innovating and supporting families across the country.  

Thank you for being part of the myKindo community. Together, we're simplifying school life, one tap at a time!

COMING SOON - New Administrator Support Portal 

New Administrator Support Portal is your launchpad for resources to self-solve, get help from our administrator support Knowledge Base.

Our new Admin Support Portal will be available on both Partner and Shop sites.

First time you visit your Shop and Partner site, it will ask you to find the icon. Once you have found it on the bottom right of your screen, click Found it!  This message will not appear again.

The Admin Support Portal will always be available so you can ask it a question or for support and it will take you to support pages or give you some ideas and make suggestions to help you.

You can also have your say and Submit suggestion for a help article or help video and we will endeavour to make your Kindo Admin setup easier and quicker than ever!

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