Features Update: July 2024

Features Update: July 2024

Improvement to our Rapid Xero Integration!

Our Rapid Xero integration takes things one step further than other systems by automatically creating your Xero draft invoice with customised ledger codes at the click of a button. Don't spend hours coding hundreds of individual student payments!

Your draft invoice will now be automatically broken down and sorted in a way that will make reporting easier than ever. 

What’s changed?

Previously, if you had multiple items with the same GL code, these were collated in one sub-total and invoice line item, meaning that the description could include items which were not paid for in that reporting period, and meant that some of the transactional reporting options on Xero were limited.

Now each group of the same items paid for within the reporting period, will have a separate sub-total and line on the draft invoice coded to the appropriate general ledger account.  All the time saving benefits you experienced previously are still there but further enhanced as unnecessary lengthy description fields will no longer occur.  You can also better utilise Xero’s transactional reporting functionality.

If you haven’t experienced the ease and time-saving that Kindo’s Rapid Xero Integration offers, get in touch now!

New Permission Question Option

We have a new permission question option - 'Tick to Agree'.  This is particularly useful when you are needing acknowledgement from a caregiver that they have read and understood risks etc.

'Show in Shop'/'Show in Community Shop'

We understand there may be items that you wish to show just on your community shop, such as a wider alumni event that you don't need open for current caregivers.  This is now possible, ticking the correct option on service manager.

New Administrator Support Portal 

New Administrator Support Portal is your launchpad for resources to self-solve, get help from our administrator support Knowledge Base.

Our new Admin Support Portal is available on both Partner and Shop sites.

The Admin Support Portal will always be available so you can ask it a question or for support and it will take you to support pages or give you some ideas and make suggestions to help you.

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