Access: Payable Administrators
Rules are created when a payable is applied to a group, a year group, classes or the entire school.
This page should be checked every time your roll is updated to ensure Kindo Accounts are easy to manage for school administrators and are as up to date as possible for your families.
You can disable a rule for any future enrolments to which that rule might apply. This would then mean the rule would no longer appear on your Payable Maintenance page for you to add to new enrolments.
Disable Rule has two functions:
- Remove the rule so any future enrolments for that group will not have the payable applied,
- Hide the payable item from family accounts that still have outstanding payments.
You can choose to just disable the rule, or you can choose to disable the rule and hide current outstanding balances.
You can also unhide the rule later.
Disabled rules can be viewed on the Payable status page by selecting the Hidden option.
1. From the Payable Maintenance page, you can see all your Payable rules.
You can search for a payable.
You can organise the Payables and Applied to in alphabetical order.
You can review and action Proposed actions and Actions.
You can select to Show rules with no actions (to add or remove any students from the payable) required.
2. Once you have found the payable you wish to disable, click on Disable rule. Please review the details shown.
3. If you select Hide part paid and Hide unpaid, the payable will be hidden from all family's accounts, including families that have part paid or unpaid accounts. This payable will no longer be visible for all families to whom the rule was applied to. It will also be disabled for any future enrolments.
We strongly encourage you to leave Hide part paid and Hide unpaid as unticked / not selected. When the rule is being disabled, leaving these options unticked will keep the current accounts with outstanding payments visible for families, so they can choose to make a payment.
If you select Preview, your changes won’t be saved, but you can try out the features of this page.
4. Click Disable to confirm. A pop-up box will appear confirming the action and the payable rule will be disabled.