Creating, viewing and approving a draft invoice for Xero

Creating, viewing and approving a draft invoice for Xero

Access: Payable Administrators

Once the initial set up of your Xero Integration is completed, you can access your weekly or daily draft invoices from your Xero tab in Kindo.

Creating a draft invoice for Xero

1.    Login to Kindo and select the School Admin home page

2.   Select the Xero tab.
3.   For the time period you wish to create the invoice for, select the Create in Xero option.  The draft invoice will be created in Xero.

Viewing and approving a draft invoice in Xero

Once you have created the invoice, you will be able to view the invoice in Xero.
  •  GST on the draft invoice comes from Xero (not Kindo).  The gst option that you select in Kindo determines whether the gst component is shown on the purchaser’s receipt.
  •   Your GL codes in Xero need to match the GL codes you have entered in Kindo for the items, so that the items match. 
If they are not matched, you are still able to update the ledger code in the draft invoice. 
If you find any that you need to manually update, we recommend going into item editor on kindo and updating the GL code so this is automatically matched in the future.
  • The quantity will always say 1.00 on the invoice, and the Unit Price will be the total amount for that ledger code.
You can check your total against the weekly or daily reports, or simply match it to the bank deposit.

If you have more than once invoice for the same time period, you will be able to reconcile all of them in Xero to the single Kindo deposit.

You can then approve your invoice.

We also recommend adding the detail.csv report (from the accounting emails) as an attachment to the invoice. This will ensure all information required by your auditors is in one place

Click here to view other Xero Integration support articles

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