Connecting to your School Management System (SMS)

Connecting to your School Management System (SMS)

If you are a new school joining Kindo or an existing Kindo school who is changing to a new SMS, Kindo needs to be able to access your SMS to connect to your roll data. 

Here are the instructions for enabling Kindo to access your SMS, depending on which Student Management System you use: 

For Hero Schools:
  1. Email Hero and request that Kindo ( are sent an API key which will allow us to integrate to your roll data in Hero.
  2. Hero will send back a school a privacy policy which must be signed by the Principal only.  When this is signed, send it back to Hero
  3. Hero will then send Kindo an API key that is specific to your school, and we can make the connection when it is live. 
For Edge Schools:
  1. Email Edge to request that Kindo have access to your roll data in Edge and ask them to confirm when they have done this to so that we can make the connection
For E-Tap Schools:
  1. Email E-Tap to request that Kindo have access to your roll data in E-Tap and ask them to confirm when they have done this to so that we can make the connection.
For Kamar Schools:
  1. Send the contact details of the person who will be managing the “Directory Services” for Kamar to
  2. We will then connect with that person and advise them what they need to do. 

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