Aged Student Payables by Student ID

Aged Student Payables by Student ID

Access: Kindo Payable Administrators

This reporting option allows you to view and export outstanding payable amounts, based on the month they were applied.

1.      Select the Reporting tab from the main Payables Admin page.
2.      Select Kindo Payables and then Aged Student Payables by Student ID.

3.      Choose how you would like to view the information - either On-screen, as a CSV table, or an Excel worksheet

4.      Select the time period you require.  You will always get a column for the Current month, then columns for the number of months selected, then a column for anything Older, along with the totals against each student.
5.      Select Run Report.
6.      The report will open up automatically for the on-screen selection, and you can download the results for both the CSV and Excel options.

Excel Report

CSV Report

On Screen report

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